The true political legacy of Cav. it is in Europe. Lessons for Melons

The true political legacy of Cav.  it is in Europe.  Lessons for Melons

Pnrr, migrants, growth. The right alliances to solve Italy's problems, in the EU, are more similar to those indicated by Berlusconi than to those that the prime minister is building. The health of the Forza Italia leader and some indications for the future

The worrying health conditions of Silvio Berlusconi – yesterday's medical bulletin informs us that the Cav. has been suffering from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia for some time, is hospitalized in intensive care for the treatment of a pulmonary infection, and is in a "serious" condition even if "not intubated" – forcing even the less cynical observers to dedicate a discrete dose of attention to a delicate topic that is generally pigeonholed within a macro thematic area that tends to coincide with a concept that is difficult to handle in these hours. Obviously the argument is one: what are the most significant features of the political legacy of Cav. that can help us understand something more about the future of the center-right?

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