The tensions between Rome and Paris on aerospace. Then the truce between Macron and Meloni: worth 3 billion

The tensions between Rome and Paris on aerospace.  Then the truce between Macron and Meloni: worth 3 billion


The agreement with France and Germany was not an obvious one, so much so that at a certain point there was thought of breaking. Then the agreement on investment policies came with a budget which, although excruciating from a financial point of view, was satisfactory from a diplomatic point of view

That he knew he was projected into a complicated mission, he had already hinted in his debut speech, strictly in pure patriotic idiom, explaining that “I had the delegation a few hours ago, in a newly installed government: I will do everything possible”. In short Adolfo Urso, last Tuesday, in the Paris pavilions of the ESA Ministerial, right in front of the Eiffel Tower which was assisting the representatives of European governments to define investment strategies for aerospace policies for the next three years, he tiptoed inside. And he emerged, 48 hours later, with an unforeseen understanding with France and Germany, and with the expression of someone who has to conceal the diplomatic tensions experienced, above all with the transalpines. Evidence of peace between Meloni and Macron?

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