The taxman beats cash: in ten months the revenue increases by 3.5 billion

The taxman beats cash: in ten months the revenue increases by 3.5 billion


There is a treasure trove in the state coffers. In the first 10 months of the year, ascertained tax revenues amounted to 416,279 million euros, with an increase of 38,465 million euros compared to the same period of the previous year (+10.2%). The Mef communicates it in a note. The “significant increase” in revenue recorded, the Ministry of the Economy notes again, is mainly influenced by three factors: by the carry-over of the positive effects on revenues that have been determined starting from 2021, by the effects of the 2020 relaunch decree and by the August 2020 which, in the two-year period 2020-2021, had ordered extensions, suspensions and resumption of tax payments and, finally, by the effects of the increase in consumer prices which influenced, in particular, the growth of VAT revenue.

But there is an important detail: between January and October 2022, the revenue from tax revenues from assessment and control activities increased by 3,568 million euros (+57.3%). In particular, 2,263 million euros (+74.1%) came from direct taxes and 1,305 million euros (+41.2%) from indirect taxes. The comparison with the same period last year, the MEF notes, is not homogeneous as in 2021 collection activities had been suspended until 31 August 2021 according to the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 73/2021, the so-called ”support-bis decree”.


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