“The Strait Bridge ready in nine years”. The voices of the government after the ok in the House

"The Strait Bridge ready in nine years".  The voices of the government after the ok in the House



Yesterday in Montecitorio, the provision was given the go-ahead. “Finally we are moving towards the start of the works”, Giorgio Mulé told the microphones of the Foglio. Maurizio Gasparri and Claudio Borghi are also optimistic about the implementation: “The government and Salvini will be remembered for this”

George Caruso

“The fact that things have never been done in Italy doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t or can’t be done,” he told Il Foglio. Claudio Borghi, Senator of the League. The reference is to Bridge over the Strait of Messina: the government’s project has earned the confidence of the Chamber, now it is awaited in the Senate for definitive approval.

Confidence and optimism shines through from the ranks of the majority: “Finally we are moving quickly towards the start of the works, now the commitment is to keep the promises and make sure that everything will be achieved within nine or ten years”, he says Giorgio Mulé, exponent of Forza Italia and vice president of the Chamber. “I’m already there ready with the car to go to Sicily”, is the amused comment of Maurice Gasparrihistoric senator of Berlusconi’s party.

However, the first to cheer yesterday evening was the secretary of the League and minister of infrastructure Matteo Salvini who has been pushing the project since the beginning of the legislature: “We are finally moving on to the facts to unite and modernize the country”, wrote the leader of the Carroccio on Twitter. And Borghi adds confidently: “The government and Salvini can be remembered for this”.


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