The story of Gino Cocchi, who at the age of 70 invented a successful start-up

The story of Gino Cocchi, who at the age of 70 invented a successful start-up


Retired in 2010, former CEO of a large company, he created a new company with staff largely under 35. Not even Covid has managed to stop it

This is a story dedicated to all those who say that Italy is a finished country, that there is no way out of this crisis, that there is hope for our young people only if they go abroad, that I can’t wait to retire etc etc etc. This is the story of Gino Cocchi, born in Bologna on 11 September 1940, industrial expert. In 2010 he retired, and let’s assume an excellent pension, given that he had worked up to 70 years as CEO of a large company. And yet, instead of enjoying so much retirement, he created his own start-up, which has become a group in which five hundred people work today, which will become five hundred and fifty next year, and three quarters of which are engineers, and which for the half are under 35, and who come from twenty-nine different nationalities: on the subject of hiring young people and integration.

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