The Spritz is for women: +79% the consumption of pink aperitifs

The Spritz is for women: +79% the consumption of pink aperitifs


Female alcohol consumption in Italy is growing. Not only for wine, with women who choose it having increased by 12% in the last 15 years, but above all for aperitifs, where the boom in pink consumption reaches +19%. The data activated by the Italian Wine Union and tell us that in Italy the number of drinkers – even if occasional – amounts to 29.4 million, more or less 55% of the population. And if men with a glass of red wine in hand have decreased by 2% in the last 15 years, women have indeed increased.

The phenomenon of aperitifs away from home is what drives the growth of the alcohol market which, in general, has increased by 41% in the last 15 years and affects almost 22 million people. Not only the under 40s: the now leading range of consumers, in fact, is between 45 and 54 years old. In wine, on the other hand, the over 65 group resists but young people are decreasing a lot: under 24 years of age they decrease by 38% and between 35-44 years old the decrease is 48%. Even beer, which has 27.4 million consumers, has seen growth in both habitual drinkers (+19% since 2008) and occasional ones (+30%).

Looking at the percentage of consumers out of the total population, Uiv data certify Emilia-Romagna as the region with the most alcohol in Italy (62% consume wine), followed by Valle d’Aosta (61%) and tied for Veneto , Umbria and Tuscany at 60%. The main decreases in daily consumers are recorded in the South, with Puglia (-33%) and Abruzzo (-28%) above the national average (-19%). The medal for the most abstemious region goes to Trentino-Alto Adige, where only 34% of the population drinks alcohol.


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