the shareholder Exor among the first investors –

the shareholder Exor among the first investors -


Exor enters the ETF (Exchange traded fund) business. And it does so by acquiring a minority stake in Investlinx, an investment management company founded by Mario Bonaccorso, a long-time manager at Exor, and led by the CEO Matthew Solfanelli, manager with 15 years of experience in the Azimut Group first as equity analyst and portfolio manager and then as investment manager. The medium-term objective of the new management company is to list its products on various European markets, launching sub-funds capable of responding to the various return objectives and risk appetite of investors.

More than 50% lower costs

We want to bring a distinctive offer to the savings market, making available to investors global portfolios that can be purchased as ETFs and at low cost, comments Bonaccorso. The first two Investlink-branded ETFs (in which Exor has already invested) will be listed on Borsa Italiana on Monday 27 February. They will be two actively managed products offering global and diversified portfolios in listed equities and bonds; one of the balanced type, with about half of the portfolio invested in bonds and the other half in shares, while the other mainly shares. Investlinx will try to penetrate the market with an aggressive cost policy, which will be more than 50% lower than the average of balanced and equity funds distributed in Italy.

ETF tools simple and cheap

ETFs are simple and cheap instruments which today, however, are used in a very limited area, mainly as passive or thematic funds – explains Solfanelli -. With Investlinx, however, investors will be able to rely on diversified portfolios actively managed through ETFs. By providing portfolios that meet differing risk appetite and return targets, we aim to preserve our clients’ capital and deliver attractive returns over time.


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