The Seven Dwarfs are a clan of boors: deleting them from Snow White is an act of civility

The Seven Dwarfs are a clan of boors: deleting them from Snow White is an act of civility


I really don’t understand the widespread whining of Prince Charming’s widows of snow-white. Even less I can understand the horror vacui that caused the disappearance from the life of that girl of seven coattones, boorish, violent, misogynistic and above all greedy diamond traffickers.

Are there really still women capable of regretting that young phony father’s son, who feels like a fig going around with a ridiculous cape that barely covers his butt, with an embarrassingly sized sword, with a haircut worthy of an old village barber’s poster?

Let’s begin to see clearly the ambiguous figures of the Seven Dwarfs, we will deduce from it that it is not possible for civilized people to complain about the banishment of that clan of criminals.

Just think of the damage to the landscape that has been perpetrated for almost a century because of them. They have made money by selling the rights to their images all over the world to encourage an abominable building abuse, an aesthetic disfigurement that disfigures gardens and small gardens with their cloying reproductions in plaster, or even in plastic with disastrous environmental impact.

But returning to the context of the story of Snow White, I turn to the mourners who complain about the death of these beautiful guys in the name of political correctness: didn’t they realize that the seven thugs kidnap an underage girl with princess ambitions to make her their servant?

There is no doubt that the period that Snow White spends at the dwarfs’ house is comparable to a regime of slavery: they force her to the humblest tasks without a shadow of compensation, she is forced to wash their filthy pedals, their encrusted underpants, clean the house, cook. In addition to personally providing for their animalistic intimate hygiene. All without even applying the national contract for maids and carers which provides for a fair wage, weekly rest, holidays and severance pay?

The exploitation by the pimping dwarfs of the unfortunate Snow White does not stop even with her death. They continue to abuse her even when the girl fatally collapses, in the apotheosis of her desperation, he puts an end to her suffering after having recklessly entrusted herself to an old pusher, with the illusion of being able to escape from her anguish by resorting to psychotropic substances.

Completely contemptuous of the most basic rules of pietas, which are respected even in the most sordid circles, first they rage with their pickaxes against a frail old lady, who would have had the right to a regular trial anyway. The brutish summary justice is suspected to have been a pretext, in reality the real purpose was to grab the square of the poisoned apple shop, exclusively for the benefit of their family and getting Grimilde’s clan out of that lap.

After that they devise a further criminal activity, devising a plan of cynical exploitation of dead Snow White. Instead of burying the young girl’s body, they put it on display, probably trying to profit once again on the perversions of a group of necrophiles who roamed that forest in search of forbidden emotions. Other than the justification “she was so beautiful even when dead that the dwarves lacked the heart to bury her”. Theirs was a premeditated gimmick to get money out of it, even though they had dungeons full of diamonds, they were greedy beyond measure.

At this point, only randomness leads to a happy ending. Suddenly, that bewildered Prince Charming enters the scene and during all this tragedy it is not clear how he spent his insipid time. He makes a fleeting appearance at the beginning of the story, when Snow White is delirious as she looks down a well (kissing her toads in hopes of getting princes probably put her in contact with hallucinogenic substances).

He plays a little tag with the girl, she hides behind a curtain, he gets bored and leaves. End of the love story.

When he sees her immobilized in rigor mortis, he suddenly feels free from his performance anxiety and, albeit reluctantly, kisses her.

She wakes up, he makes her get on his horse and, leading him by the halter, sets off towards the sunset. He doesn’t even dare to ride with her, it almost seems that her physical contact repels him.

The castle made of clouds that can be glimpsed in the last frame can only leave us with the well-founded suspicion of a vaunted principality. Snow White definitely fell from the frying pan into her fire. It really took a lot of courage to believe for all these years that, from that moment on, there would be a happy future for her. However, we had to trust the consolatory “happily ever after” of the final sign.

Now we’ll see how Snow White will play her life, finally without being weighed down by that painful burden of useless males.


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