The “refugee camp of Europe” does not exist. 20 percent of reception centers are empty

The "refugee camp of Europe" does not exist.  20 percent of reception centers are empty


The narration of a perennial state of emergency has no basis in reality, as a new report by OpenPolis and ActionAid explains, according to which irrationality and the absence of planning represent the real unsolved evil of immigration in Italy

The narrative of a perennial state of emergency in terms of welcoming migrants is stubbornly repeated from government to government, regardless of political affiliation. Magical formulas such as “we cannot be the refugee camp of Europe” or “the centers are collapsing” have proven to pay off in terms of consensus. But then there is the reality which, although one can pretend nothing has happened, is very different from propaganda. The merciless numbers listed in the new report released today by Open Polis And ActionAid on the state of reception in Italy in 2022. It is laconically entitled “The emptiness of hospitality” and demonstrates how irrationality and lack of planning represent the real unsolved evil of immigration in Italy.

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