The questions which Piantedosi does not answer

The questions which Piantedosi does not answer


ROME. Matteo Piantedosi spoke for more than half an hour, both in the Chamber and in the Senate. The Minister of the Interior repeated what would have happened in the night between 25 and 26 February a few hundred meters off the coast of Steccato di Cutro. The smugglers who make a dangerous turn for fear of being intercepted and abandon the boat. That boat that breaks up. The Guardia di Finanza patrol boats that had gone out – once they learned of the boat – but turned back due to bad weather. The regret for what happened, the long list of other shipwrecks in history, the existence of coordination between the police forces and forces that carry out sea rescue, such as the Coast Guard, never failed. The fault of smugglers and traffickers. Repeated, again and again, always the fault of smugglers and traffickers.
Piantedosi didn’t explain only one thing, after all the only thing he should have explained: why, after the notification by Frontex of a boat full of people in the midst of the storm and by the Air Force of a weather alert, the Coast Guard did not did she go out to rescue that ship? Why didn’t the Guardia di Finanza, not being able to get close due to the bad weather, ask for the intervention of the Coast Guard? He did it? Didn’t he? If there is a stormy sea and a boat is spotted in the middle of that stormy sea, doesn’t our coast guard have a duty to intervene? What are the rules of engagement? What is the command line?
Piantedosi responded to the controversy, saying that his words on the faults of those fleeing wars from hunger to desperation have been misinterpreted. He played the victim: he was misunderstood. Italy, left alone by Europe. However, he did not do what he was called to do: he did not clarify any of the dark points of this affair. He didn’t answer questions from the opposition and the very civilized civilian population of Cutro. Who today picked up another body from the sea: that, unrecognizable, of a three-year-old girl.


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