The Purchasing Card is on its way: how it works, how much it’s worth and where you can collect it at the Post Office

The Purchasing Card is on its way: how it works, how much it's worth and where you can collect it at the Post Office


It will kick off today. It is the Savings Card for families, and many have already been waiting for it. This is a new bonus that was decided with this year’s Budget Law. It is used to make purchases of basic foodstuffs and is dispensed through a prepaid card. There are many things to know about this measure, starting with the requirements for being assigned the Savings Card. But it won’t be enough to get it. In fact, it is also necessary to keep in mind a particular key date that could deactivate the bonus. Here’s what to know.

The requirements

The card is nominative and is aimed at those who have an ISEE of up to 15,000 euros. The income and assets requirement is therefore low and it means that this measure will be accessible to households with less income. In addition, all family members must be registered in the Resident Population Registry.

The request and the excluded

You don’t need to submit any application to get the bonus. In fact, it is the Municipalities that communicate access to the benefit for the family. Families in which the members receive: Citizenship Income; Inclusion income or any other social inclusion measure or poverty support; unemployment benefits NASPI or DISCOLL Mobility allowance; Solidarity funds for income integration; Redundancy fund-CIG; any other form of wage integration, or support in the event of involuntary unemployment, provided by the State.

How much does it pay

The amount of the card is approximately 380 euros. To access financial aid, simply go to an Italian Post office to collect the prepaid card. Thanks to the budget law, 500 million euros have been made available and the resources will be distributed through 1,300,000 Postepay cards worth 382.50 euros. Half of the vouchers will be distributed to the Municipalities in proportion to the resident population, while the other half taking into account the national average per capita income and that of the Municipality.

To avoid losing the benefit

Don’t just get the card. It is also necessary to keep in mind a specific key date: in order not to lose the amount to which the beneficiaries are entitled, at least one payment must be made by the deadline of 15 September 2023. Those who do not respect this date will lose the benefit, which is distributed to those who they have received the Postepay and have regularly used it. The amount available can only be used for basic foodstuffs. Purchases must be made in shops participating in the initiative with cost containment plans.


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