The president of the Democratic Party has discovered that in the Democratic Party men nominate women out of opportunism

The president of the Democratic Party has discovered that in the Democratic Party men nominate women out of opportunism


Having entered the Democratic Party in 2019, after two months it had already become “President of the Democratic Party. Lightning career. Extraordinary. Like Luigi Di Maio when he passed, roughly, from the San Paolo stadium to the Farnesina. The secretary of the Democratic Party at the time, Nicola Zingaretti, had in fact set himself the democratic objective of all the secretaries of the Democratic Party: “I have to get a woman elected”. Followed by the usual rovello: “It’s not like you have a woman here?”. But yes. Yes they did, colleagues. Bettini and the others. They always have a woman. Here she is! She. Valentina Cuppi. Like who? The Cuppi!

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