The phony nightmare of energy and the crazy race for the subsidy

The phony nightmare of energy and the crazy race for the subsidy


First the campaign on gas and electricity bills, now fuel, which seems to have skyrocketed to gazillion-dollar levels. Italians are worried, but not to the extent indicated by the economic apocalypse news reports

Furious with energy. The craze of free and equal bills for all, like a sliding scale point paid by the state. First there was the campaign on gas and electricity bills, families and businesses choked by scary increases. In times of inflation and war, it is known that price increases take place, which concern both imported and exported goods, costs and profits explode, wages and transfers of various denominations rise, 110 percent is a symbol of the mad race to the subsidy, but not the only symbol. A kind of precarious balance of rampant costs becomes the nightmare of general instability, it closes, we don’t get to the end of the month. There will also be some speculation, as the Amsterdam stockholders always suspect, the game of tulips that has been going on since the seventeenth century.
But the phenomenon immediately becomes a novel, a black story, a nightmare. Huge resources are diverted to cover the impossible costs of energy. The consensus race has no exceptions.

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