The Pd’s requiem, a “GMO” fruit of an empty and decadent policy

The Pd's requiem, a "GMO" fruit of an empty and decadent policy


We are exhausted by the two major political cultures of the twentieth century replaced by personal parties and a courtier-style ruling class. Perhaps Rosy Bindi is right: the dem must be dissolved, everyone goes home and begins a new path capable of giving new life to parties and institutions

Fifteen years ago, when the seed of political madness gave birth to the Democratic Party by bringing together two cultures, two profoundly different histories, we were the only ones to define the new party as a genetically modified organism. A tranchant diagnosis because in politics the interweaving of DNA between different histories and cultures cannot last long. After a long time during which the power of the government has never been lacking we are at the sunset of that party. Rosy Bindi talks about the dissolution of the Democratic Party to do something similar again. Pierluigi Castagnetti speaks today with concern seeing the spirits of the antagonistic left return and threatens a split.

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