The parallel day of Renzi and Calenda: double interview with the two litigants

The parallel day of Renzi and Calenda: double interview with the two litigants


Why does the Third Pole no longer exist? “Follow the money” says the Action leader. Everything arrived “cold, in an unexpected way”, replies that of Iv. “We are a bunch of crazy people,” says Ettore Rosato

So here they are. At a distance of a few meters from each other, on opposite sides of a group that is so small that it seems absurd to want to divide it again. One has just bought two packs of Marlboros, the reserve for heavy days. The other fiddles with the tablet. Dark faces, both. They avoid each other. Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, perfect strangers. In the middle, among them, the senators of the late Third Pole. “Follow the money”, says the leader of Action to those who ask him about the meaning of this meaningless breakup. In short, how that everything is a cash problem: “The one that Renzi did not want to give to the party to be founded”. Renzi, on the other hand, says that for him everything came “coldly, unexpectedly”. And it really seems to have suffered this manoeuvre, the former prime minister, if it is true that again on Wednesday afternoon, even when many considered the breach already consummated, he explained that “Carlo is capable of arguing over nothing, but then usually over nothing make peace”.

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