The “ordoliberal” enemy and other surrealities from the committee of wise men Pd

The "ordoliberal" enemy and other surrealities from the committee of wise men Pd


Day one, year one, meeting one of the committee of wise men also known as the constituent committee of the Democratic Party: the body of 87 took office yesterday, remotely, which has Enrico Letta and Roberto Speranza as guarantors, with the mayors, the governors as permanent guests and candidates for the secretariat, as well as various party and non-party personalities, including Philip Andreatta, Paul Ciani, Gianni Cuperlo, Valentina Cuppi, Susanna Camusso, Annamaria Furlan, Elisabetta Gualmini, Luigi Manconi, Matteo Orfini, Barbara Pollastrini, Andrea Romano, Sandro Ruotolo, Chiara Saraceno, Nadia Urbinati, Luigi Zanda and Nicola Zingaretti. Objective: to elaborate a new Manifesto of values ​​and principles in the constituent path towards the Pd 2.0. And if good morning starts in the morning, in the early hours of the super-committee the enemy presented himself under the guise of “neoliberal hegemony”, to quote Roberto Speranza at the opening of the proceedings (a Roberto Speranza in whose words echoed the dramatic tones of the book written and then withdrawn at the time of the pandemic, says a meeting participant). And it seems to be in 2022, but also in an indefinite ex-post-neo-communist past, according to Nadia Urbinati, because the political scientist thought for a long time, narrate those present, before agreeing to participate. But since the left is at risk of disappearing all over the world, it was the concept, she, in her small way, felt “it was right to do everything possible”. But there is a but: “How can the elaboration of the essays committee be binding?” Urbinati asked, “since we work before the election of the new secretary?”.

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