The non-mystery of the closure of Non è l’Arena

The non-mystery of the closure of Non è l'Arena


If there’s one thing that makes Cairo suffer it’s losing money, and Massimo Giletti’s program on La7 lost 150,000 euros per episode despite the acrobatics of comic strip information. Salvini wants him in Rai, but FdI doesn’t

Who knows why it is told as a mystery. Urbano Cairo closed Massimo Giletti’s program on La7, the one thanks to which the UN was on the verge of including Italy in the list of underdeveloped countries, because by now Giletti was making him lose a lot of money. And in the last month the situation had become even unsustainable: about one hundred and fifty thousand euros of liabilities for each bet. In short, every holy day in which “Non è l’Arena” was aired, Cairo, someone who manages to cut the costs of even breakfast in the morning on La7, who also renegotiates downwards the contracts already closed verbally, was forced to the most frightening (for him) of gymnastics: that of emptying your wallet.

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