The night has passed, Silvio Berlusconi is stable and alert

The night has passed, Silvio Berlusconi is stable and alert


Updates on the health conditions of the Cav., admitted to the San Raffaele hospital

The conditions of Silvio Berlusconi are stationary, the Cav. he is alert, he is not intubated, even if the general situation remains complex. A night without alarming news – it was learned in the morning in environments close to the Cav – the one spent in the intensive care unit of the San Raffaele hospital (where he was hospitalized on Wednesday 5 March) by the leader of Forza Italia.

The choice of doctors for hospitalization in intensive care was made as a precaution, to guarantee the patient an environment as protected as possible. The doctors are trying to give back to the Cav. proper oxygenation of the blood, as the lack of oxygen has put stress on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems which are at risk of infections, including pneumonia which could complicate the general picture, made fragile by the illness from which Berlusconi suffers.

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