The news of the decline of the dollar is greatly exaggerated

The news of the decline of the dollar is greatly exaggerated


Research by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum shows that the US currency, while recording an erosion, remains dominant. Scenarios and possible competition

The first to predict the decline of the dollar was the Belgian economist Robert Triffin as early as 1960: a minority thesis at the time which regained strength after 1971 with the end of the international monetary system built at Bretton Woods in 1944, and with the hyperinflation unleashed by the sheiks. The financial crisis of 2008-2010 gave new impetus to the decliners and today the Chinese challenge fuels the illusion that the “people’s currency”, renminbi or yuan, if you prefer, will soon be able to marginalize that of Uncle Sam. But the greenback is always there at the center of the international economy, the lord of exchanges, the reserve currency for the whole world.

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