The national interest is not compatible with alliances with nationalists: long live the anti-Orban Meloni

The national interest is not compatible with alliances with nationalists: long live the anti-Orban Meloni


On one side the words, on the other side the facts. On the one hand the screams, on the other the mediation. Slogans on the one hand, responsibility on the other. The political week that is approaching the end has shown us two faces of Giorgia Meloni who could not be more distant from each other but who surprisingly have now become part of the same political medal. Theme: is it possible to combine, in the same hours, the maximum of populism with the maximum of pragmatism? The answer is in the conclusions of the most important European Council in which the Italian premier has participated since the beginning of her mandate. A European Council, that of yesterday, in which for the first time the solidity of the great alliance between European sovereignists was denied precisely by the leader who, in theory, was to embody the dream of the sovereignty rescue in Europe. And instead, as you know, yesterday the contradictions between the nationalists exploded in a drastic, peremptory, decisive way. And not on a theme like any other but on what in recent years had allowed European sovereignists to feed the breeding ground of anti-Europeanism: immigration. What did Meloni do? Simple. To the utter disappointment of the editorial groups and political groups who had bet everything on the organization of Italy, he chose to line up our country against, hear hear, Hungary and against, hear hear, Poland. On a heavy package: the one relating to the new immigration rules. Rules approved yesterday by the European Council, which beyond the technicalities establish a new principle: compulsory solidarity with countries of first entry. What does it mean? It means that member states are forced to choose between two options: accept asylum seekers through relocation or pay a financial contribution of 20,000 euros per migrant.

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