The motion of the united oppositions: “The Senate is committed to the dates of the anti-fascist history”

The motion of the united oppositions: "The Senate is committed to the dates of the anti-fascist history"


«Adopt the necessary initiatives so that the commemorations of the founding dates of our anti-fascist history take place in respect of the shared historical truth and can – only in this way – be fertile ground for the maintenance and construction of a collective identity and the sense of belonging to a community”. This is the commitment required of the Senate by a motion proposed by the Democratic Party and supported by all the opposition parties (Boccia, Floridia, Paita, Unterberger, De Cristofaro are signatories).

In the introduction, the text cites the speech given by Senator Liliana Segre on the day of the inauguration of the legislature and therefore refers in particular as dates «April 25, Liberation Day, May 1, Labor Day, June 2, of the Republic”.


In order for the “dates that mark a pact between generations, between memory and the future to truly be the subject of sharing, reflection, warning and teaching not only for young people, but for all citizens – the motion continues – it is necessary that the Institutions first of all work for the transmission of knowledge of history, the result of the rigor of unitary and shared historical reconstruction”.


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