The month by June. Meloni studies the Chamber calendar

The month by June.  Meloni studies the Chamber calendar


The government’s wait-and-see attitude causes embarrassment among FdI MPs. Ask the group leader Foti, who is making excuses of “covering up”. Meanwhile in Brussels they are losing patience. The tactics of Fitto and Giorgetti. The premier in the corner

The alibi had seemed so fuzzy that not even those who advanced it felt like really defending it. And so Tommaso Foti, president of the deputies of FdI, pressed by the opposition group leaders, spread his arms: “I don’t know, IDK. They told me to say so.” That is, to say that the ratification of the Mes could not take place “due to a problem of hedging”: in short, one of those problems that arise when there is not enough money in the Treasury coffers. And perhaps it was the honesty of Foti’s admission that prompted his opponents not to infer. “It is clear that he did not know how to get out of it,” explained the dem Chiara Braga to her colleagues. It was May 2nd. And the Melonian colonel had orders to stall. Who knows if he already knew that in Palazzo Chigi, in the meantime, a deadline for the Mes had been set: “By June”.

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