The miracle of Rome, a city that has always been ambiguous and has become the capital of the Ukrainian counter-offensive

The miracle of Rome, a city that has always been ambiguous and has become the capital of the Ukrainian counter-offensive


That Draghi held the tiller steady when Putin attacked and Ukraine resisted, and Europe in arms rebuilt the Atlantic Pact with the famous trip to Kiyv, was hardly obvious. That Meloni did it, without ever margining, that’s another pair of sleeves

If Rome has become a capital of the Ukrainian political, military and diplomatic counteroffensive, a city in uniform that welcomes Zelenzky as a liberator of his people and a guardian of the western borders, this must mean something. Something must be able to explain the miracle: Rome has always been the capital of ambiguity, especially in foreign and defense policy, and Degasper’s accession to the Atlantic Pact in the Cold War had always found enemies and critics far beyond Togliatti’s natural pro-Sovietism just think of Dossetti and Fanfani and Moro himself, excellent souls of the Christian Democrat experience of governing society and in certain aspects of the church.

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