The Minister of Education, the Headmaster of Florence and the Headmaster of Italy

The Minister of Education, the Headmaster of Florence and the Headmaster of Italy


There is a Giuseppe Valditara one and there is a Giuseppe Valditara two, not to be confused with each other. The first is that Minister of Education and Merit who last Thursday threatened “measures” against the head teacher Annalisa Savino, guilty in her eyes of having gone too far in anti-fascist tones after the beating in front of the Leonardo da Vinci high school in Florence. The second Valditara, also Minister of Education and Merit in the Meloni government, is the smiling gentleman immortalized in the front row at the Quirinale as he listens to Sergio Mattarella who, using different words better suited to his style, nonetheless expresses the same concepts censored by the Valditara number one. That is, he is no to Nazi-fascism and no to violence “even in front of schools”, by anyone perpetrated.

In the end the Valditara due also applauded. Where is the difference? Simple: in the first case the interlocutor of the minister was any headmistress; in the second, however, it was the president of Italy. With all that goes with it.


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