The Meloni-von der Leyen meeting: opening up on the Pnrr, stalemate on migrants

The Meloni-von der Leyen meeting: opening up on the Pnrr, stalemate on migrants


The Roman meeting has a political value for Meloni, but the EU president remains skeptical about the Mes, the ECB and France. The premier sees Pope Francis on Tuesday

Ursula goes to the city. von der Leyen’s Roman Monday it is wet, frenetic and double-faced: first the memory of David Sassoli, then the search for harmony with Giorgia Meloni, premier and head of the Conservatories, increasingly tempted by the Ppe. Big clouds bark at the capital. It rains, it stops, it starts again. Brussels spleen. Ursula shows off a Merkelian pink jacket on a well-known cybernetic smile. The president of the EU Commission, a living political laboratory of a faded season at least in these parts, meets Romano Prodi at the Sofitel. Then he gets out of the Maserati and enters the Quirino. It is the fatal theater of the Democratic Party.

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