The Meloni government’s chat machine has started up on the Pnrr. How to get out of it

The Meloni government's chat machine has started up on the Pnrr.  How to get out of it


Pacts and future. The executive’s relationship with Europe concerns the reliability of a country, not a party. The real risk of the Plan? Become the symbol of the National Panic on the Reputation of a Republic

A government armed with good intentions, eager to safeguard its reputation, which tries in every way not to look bad in front of its international partners. But that faced with the first troubles, faced with the first serious messes, he decides to start the gossip machine, rather than the efficiency machine, to demonstrate that he is not responsible for the problems he has to deal with, even at cost of highlighting in a crystalline way the dialectic, within the majority, between a political party committed to finding solutions, with great difficulty, and another party committed instead to finding a way to unload on the head of the Prime Minister responsibility for any failures.

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