The Meloni government has extended the use of vouchers: a sine ira et studio evaluation

The Meloni government has extended the use of vouchers: a sine ira et studio evaluation


Do they help fight undeclared work? Sometimes. Is the compromise reached wrong? Not really. Today around 50,000 workers will benefit from the instrument, but there is no minimum wage to cover the rest of poor employment as in other countries

The Meloni government has extended the use of the work voucher up to 10 thousand euros per yearafter this had been used in paper form for several years and then radically reformed in 2017 by the Gentiloni government to become an “electronic contract” for the provision of occasional work.
But what is the voucher if not the poor relation of the legal minimum wage? For decades, all countries have faced the problem of covering occasional or hourly work with some form of guarantee, the work that students or immigrants often do or even many workers in the simplest trades of catering (occasional catering for example ), tourism, domestic work and agriculture.

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