The Meloni government and those electoral campaign promises that are so difficult to keep

The Meloni government and those electoral campaign promises that are so difficult to keep


Odin approached the well and called Mimir, the god came out of the well and asked him what he wanted. I want to drink the water of knowledge, said Odin, what do you want in return? Give me your left eye, with the right one you will be able to see and understand everything, Mimir replied. And Odin took out his eye, and threw it into the deepest place where the floods gushed, and he knew all there is to know, and he became king of the gods. From here comes the wishing well that reaches us from the early Middle Ages. The legend of Norse mythology has become, in our unbelieving world, a video game called Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, but the wishing well still exists, only instead of gods and superheroes it is populated with supplicants and instead of knowledge it bestows promises. In Rome, where even paradise has a price, the certainty of return can be exchanged for a coin, among the jets of the Trevi fountain. While three hundred meters away, in the courtyard of Palazzo Chigi, desires plunge into the state budget and the mystical well turns into a bottomless pit.

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