The Matteo Ricci option tries the left Pd (with Bettini and Orlando)

The Matteo Ricci option tries the left Pd (with Bettini and Orlando)


The mayor of Pesaro and possible Pd congressional candidate Matteo Ricci is not on the bench, this made him understand (or at least he is no longer on the bench, even if he seemed for a moment to want to take a step back like the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, and instead, assures an observer inside the Nazarene, “he really took a step forward”). In short, Ricci has been wandering around the Italian provinces for about a month with the formula “Bread and politics”, a mayor at dinner with a family, but it has only been two days since he got the double endorsement somehow expected: a very explicit one, that of the deus ex machina of the Roman Democratic Party Goffredo Bettini, who in Pesaro, during the presentation of his book “Aleft. Da capo”, last Monday, he said: “Matteo Ricci’s programmatic platform is the one that I feel closest to me compared to the others presented … I see a swirl of names without ideas and alliances without ideas on the names themselves, I don’t see the substance ideal positions, but I must say that I saw it in particular in Ricci’s words and programme. Matteo is young, intelligent, politically very fast, he has a technological capacity that I envy, but also the scent of an ancient history, a source of discipline and rigor. An education made up of an ideal spirit and concreteness, with a reformist thrust”.

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