The March of the Intrepid. Here are the true spirits of Giorgia Meloni, the current of anger

The March of the Intrepid.  Here are the true spirits of Giorgia Meloni, the current of anger


They are the most extreme fringe of Giorgia Meloni’s party. Anger, insults, tourism and cultural counter-hegemony. Their point of reference, their Vate, is Francesco Lollobrigida. Portraits of the new avant-gardists of Fratelli d’Italia

AMenton, in Menton!”. One day they will take it back and even Nice and Corsica will be taken away from the French. Only then will it be “Open to wonder”. It is Giorgia Meloni who traces the furrow, but it is they, the avant-gardists in Menton, the intrepid, who defend it. They are the children of a minor flame, already young from Fuan, militants from the MSI, from An, today deputies and senators from FdI.

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