The Magistrates’ Association attacks Nordio and the reforms, but the government snubs the robes

The Magistrates' Association attacks Nordio and the reforms, but the government snubs the robes


For the president of the ANM, Giuseppe Santalucia, in the reforms of the Minister of Justice “there is nothing liberal”, on the contrary, they are a risk for the country. But the judiciary is now so delegitimized that the government does not respond to the attacks

“Anm who?”. We are not at these levels yet, but the government’s silence in the face of broadsides fired over the weekend by the National Association of Magistrates against the reforms announced by Keeper of the Seals Carlo Nordio makes us understand (once again) how much the delegitimization suffered by the judiciary has reduced the blackmailing power of the robes on Italian politics. “There is nothing liberal in the reforms Minister Nordio is announcing. I believe that our system of democratic guarantees cannot do without compulsory prosecution and unity of careers: if these cornerstones are touched upon, a reform in the liberal sense is not carried out, but the premises are laid for political control over criminal prosecution”. said the president of the ANM on Saturday, Joseph Santalucia, at the opening of the central steering committee of the association, also criticizing Nordio’s words on wiretapping (“A cold attack”). On Sunday, in an interview with Repubblica, the president of the ANM increased the dose, speaking of “one scenario that should alarm all citizens”, because the proposals proposed so far by Nordio “would cause the relationship between the powers of the state to take steps backwards in terms of equilibrium”.

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