«The M5S will vote no to the Mes, because it destroys countries»- Corriere.it

«The M5S will vote no to the Mes, because it destroys countries»- Corriere.it


Of Political editorial staff

The vice president of the Five Stars: «We are against this instrument». Meanwhile, the Treasury accelerates ratification. The Democratic Party: «Instrument that strengthens, the perfidious left does not say so but the chief of cabinet of minister Giorgetti

«We are against the Mes instrument because it has conditionalities that destroy countries. We will certainly not vote in favour.’ This was stated by Michele Gubitosa, vice president of the M5S, speaking at Agora on Raitre, announcing the no of the Five Stars to the ratification of the Mes, on which yesterday the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber postponed the work after an opinion from the Mef which in fact “promotes” it by not detecting risks or greater burdens for Italy.

The European Stability Mechanism (MES – European Stability Mechanism, ESM) has been set up (here the fact sheet: what it is and what it is for)
through an intergovernmental treaty in 2012, replacing the European Stability Facility (EFSF), the so-called bailout fund and the European Financial Stabilization Mechanism (EFSM), set up in 2010 to deal with the sovereign debt crisis. Its fundamental function is to grant financial assistance to member countries which – despite having a sustainable public debt – have difficulty obtaining financing on the market.

In the last few hours, the Treasury has unblocked the ratification of the Mes, thanks to the European push of the Minister of Economy, the Northern League Giancarlo Giorgetti.
A move that went in the opposite direction to what, until now, had been the position of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, more than skeptical about the ratification of the European stability mechanism.

«The Mes instrument strengthens Italy’s credibility on the financial markets and can benefit us for the interest we pay on our public debt. Therefore, adhering to the ratification of the treaty provides Europe with an instrument that strengthens the credibility of Europe and its financial markets, and in particular of countries with many, too many debts such as Italy – he comments Antonio Misiani, economic development manager of the Pd —. The perfidious left-wing opposition does not say this, Minister Giorgetti’s head of cabinet says it. On the same groove is the position of Mariastella Gelmini, deputy secretary and spokesperson for Action: “In the majority, the contradictions on the Mes emerged forcefully”. And then: «Not ratifying it is a danger for the people, since Italy is the only country in Europe that has not ratified it and has achieved its objectives».

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June 22, 2023 (change June 22, 2023 | 10:34)


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