The Leopolda di Nardella, in Rome “Open to those coming from outside the Democratic Party”

The Leopolda di Nardella, in Rome "Open to those coming from outside the Democratic Party"


Five minutes given to each of the guests on stage to address a specific theme. The political paths of Matteo Renzi and Dario Nardella have divided for some time, but at least in terms of technique, the former dolphin gathers the experience of Leopolda. That of the mayor of Florence will be staged this morning in Rome, where he called and gathered “those who want to bring ideas” for the new Democratic Party. It is no coincidence that the initiative is called «Idea Pd. A new democratic community”. However, ideas walk on people’s legs, so it will be especially interesting to see who will participate in Nardella’s initiative and stay out of it, to understand what turn the race for the secretariat of the Democratic Party may take.

At 8.15 the mayor will be in Piazza Duomo for the departure of the Florence Marathon, then off to Rome where the appointment is at 11 at the Quattro Fontane cinema, not far from the Quirinale, a small space for about two hundred people. The film that will be screened will almost certainly have an open ending: it is unlikely that Nardella will break the delay today by launching himself into the race for the February 19 primaries, a hypothesis that has been circulating for months between ups and downs, which for now sees two main contenders in the starting blocks, Stefano Bonaccini and his deputy Elly Schlein. The president of Emilia Romagna, politically close to the mayor in the name of reformism, will not be at the convention. On the presence of the movementist Schlein, a candidate who would represent the requests of the left wing of the party, several rumors have chased each other in the last few hours but without certainties. What is certain is that some of the Emilian vice president’s loyalists will be present at the mayor’s convention, a sign that the mayor continues to look in several directions. And after all, yesterday Nardella opened up again to those who, like Schlein, can make contributions to the party despite not being in the party: «Relations with Bonaccini are excellent, in Rome we will mainly talk about ideas – he said – We are interested in paying attention to people who come from outside, there is a need to launch a new Democratic Party”.

This morning the mayors of Lecce, Bologna, Naples, Cremona and Catanzaro will certainly be on stage: in order, Carlo Maria Salvemini, Matteo Lepore, Gaetano Manfredi, Gianluca Galimberti and Nicola Fiorita. Among the local administrators there will also be a regional president, Michele Emiliano from Puglia, while a Uil delegation will participate for the trade union world. Massimiliano Fuksas will use his 5 minutes obviously talking about architecture, Stefano Mancuso about the environment, Leonardo Becchetti about economics, the sociolinguist Vera Gheno about communication. Finally, a method will be made available to collect the ideas of the participants whose intervention is not foreseen: a portal that will remain open even in the days following the appointment promoted by the mayor of Florence with the intention of building a more solid programmatic basis for his leadership.

The first phase of the Pd primaries will take place entirely in the circles, given that the statute modified during Nicola Zingaretti’s secretariat provides that only the two most voted candidates can access the final phase of the race: a ballot that is also open to non-members. These rules of the game mean that any support from Nardella, whether for Schlein or Bonaccini, can weigh much more in this phase than in the second.


November 27, 2022 | 08:29



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