The legendary Warren Buffett doesn’t bow to ‘modern orthodoxies’

The legendary Warren Buffett doesn't bow to 'modern orthodoxies'


If we think that even the large Goldman Sachs bank has bowed to Newspeak and asked employees to use a “neutral” language with pronouns such as “Ze” and “Zir”, we immediately understand how much woke capitalism is spreading. But how does the New York Times, the “oracle” of capitalism does not fit. It’s about Warren Buffett, which flouts many of the mainstream corporate orthodoxies of modern business, leaving out environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies and concerns about diversity, equity and inclusion (Dei). Buffett has not fallen under the spell known as “ESG,” which refers to investing according to higher environmental, social and governance criteria. Sam Bankman-Fried, the king of cryptocurrencies extradited to the United States after an epochal bankruptcy, understood that to anoint the system he had to go through the “ESG”. So he manipulated “ESG” to avoid scrutiny by regulators and gain credibility with investors. For example, Bankman-Fried promised that his company would help build solar projects for communities in the Amazon. Bankman-Fried later confessed that it was a “game” to hack into the system. And it worked. The cryptocurrency tycoon was invited to the Davos forum, where he spoke about “diversity, equity and inclusion”.

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