“The leaders of the Democratic Party had to spend more in the colleges, now a constituent”. Roberto Morassut speaks

"The leaders of the Democratic Party had to spend more in the colleges, now a constituent".  Roberto Morassut speaks


Crisis, defeat, darkness, emptiness, night, even death: the electoral result of the Democratic Party, seen by the Democratic Party and some intellectual areas, in these days is tinged with tragedy, with no possibility of redemption in the short term. And there are those who evoke the dissolution (Giuseppe Conte thanks?). The fact is that at this moment anxieties, fears and ghosts are crowding at the bedside of the Democratic Party, against the backdrop of a congress with still moving outlines. Few certainties, and among these there are the few, very few victories in single-member colleges. For example that of Roberto Morassut, in the Roma 04 college in the Chamber. The outgoing and re-elected deputy, former city planning councilor with Walter Veltroni in Rome, now also a member of the Pd management (convened for 6 October), looking back, reflects on the battles not fought, those that perhaps could have brought some votes in more. Morassut starts from a fact: “Out of about seventy-five thousand votes obtained by the coalition in my single-member constituency, almost 10 percent are votes given to me without the expression of the list vote. A sign that being rooted in the territory counts and helps the party itself ”. A party whose leaders, unlike the previous political elections, have deserted the single-member constituencies en masse. Instead, they should have run for office, says the deputy: “I say this recognizing our mistake – and I emphasize ours, being part of the party leadership. The most representative figures of the Democratic Party, albeit with a parachute in the proportional, should and could have spent themselves in the colleges and fight in the territories. Precisely because the moment was difficult: we would have given a signal and, I say this in retrospect, avoided giving the impression of being engaged in a more defensive action. A manager must be on the front line, especially when the road is uphill ”. With the polls closed, however, Morassut invites us to look ahead “in a constructive and non-destructive way”.

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