the interventions of the government

the interventions of the government


The government closes the first quarter of the year with interventions on the front of dear billstaxation, health, the procurement code, the rules on synthetic food and feed and finally, competition, although in the latter case without approving the bill under discussion.

The areas affected by the are more numerous than usual measures passed yesterday in cabinetstarting with the decree which extends part of the measures intended for businesses and households for another three months coping with dear energy. The allocation provided by the government is worth a total of 4.9 billion and provides for the reduction of VAT on gas but not for electricity, as well as the renewal of social bonuses for low-income families (annual Isee under 15 thousand euros).

For the businesses an extraordinary contribution is envisaged, in the form of a tax credit, for the purchase of electricity and natural gas, for the second quarter of 2023. Companies will be able to continue to benefit until 30 June from the 20% tax credits and to 10% if in the first quarter of 2023 they recorded an increase in the price of electricity and gas bills of more than 30% compared to the first quarter of 2019. But part of the funds from the decree are also intended for healthcarewith the allocation of resources for around 1.1 billion to Regions and autonomous Provinces for reduce the effect of paybacks of medical devices on companies in the sector. In the field of health, there are also interventions for stabilize non-specialist doctors and incentives for nurses who work in emergency rooms.

In the package of measures, the government has included a series of tax extensions, regarding the deadlines introduced with the budget law. In particular, the deadline for paying the first installment has been postponed to 31 October regularize the formal violationsthe deadlines for paying the installments of the special amendment on the declarations have also been extended.

The two-hour discussion in the Council of Ministers also served for the green light to the Procurement Code, after being submitted to the opinion of the Chambers and to the scrutiny of the social partners, with the Cna complaining about the exclusion of the consortia of artisans from the possibility of participating in the tenders. “As promised, after years of waiting, on my proposal – claims the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure, Matthew Salvini — finally approved the new public procurement code. Less bureaucracy, less waste of time, more trust in businesses and mayors, trust in local businesses, even the smallest and artisanal businesses. It means more construction sites, more work and more safety throughout Italy. From words to deeds”.

Yesterday afternoon, the bill establishing i bans on the production and marketing of synthetic food and feed. Those who violate the bans will be fined from 10,000 euros up to 60,000 euros. «We say no to synthetic food. We have reasoned addressed the issue of quality, laboratory products do not guarantee quality, well-being and the protection of our culture and tradition. Furthermore, we see a risk of social injustice», explains the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, fFrancesco Lollobrigida.

However, the bill on the matter remains to be approved competition, because during the Council of Ministers the need emerged to deepen the theme of measurement coverage in the field of energy.


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