The intelligence follows the government’s line: the NGOs help the traffickers

The intelligence follows the government's line: the NGOs help the traffickers


“The NGOs expose the people on board to a more concrete risk of shipwreck”. Intelligence enters the debate on immigration in Italy with a straight leg with this passage, in the analysis on the increase in flows, within the annulled report sent to Parliament. Migration flows as a humanitarian emergency. But also of national security: because organized crime groups manage them and because they can become instruments of pressure by other states.

The Department of Security Information (the Dis) denounces it in the annual report to Parliament presented by the director, Elisabetta Belloniwith the Undersecretary to the Presidency, Alfredo Mantovanothe president of Copasir, Lorenzo Guerini and the directors of the two security agencies, John Caravelli (Aise) e Mario Parente (Aisi). In the report there is a direct attack on the rescue work of the NGOs in the Mediterranean. “The presence of humanitarian vessels represents – we read – a logistical advantage for the criminal organizations that manage the traffic of migrants, allowing them to adjust the modus operandi according to the possibility of reducing the quality of the boats used, correlatively increasing illicit profits, but exposing the people on board to a more concrete risk of shipwreck”.

“There is – reads the report – an increase in migratory flows from the eastern Mediterranean, mainly departing from Turkey towards the coasts of Calabria, Puglia and Sicily. The phenomenon finds an important support in the activism of criminal organizations dedicated to aiding and abetting irregular immigration, mainly Kurdish and Pakistani, with logistical support bases in the main countries of origin and transit of migrants, whose transnational nature makes law enforcement complex, as well as in the use, which has become practice, of the web and social media network by the same associations to advertise travel and related services”. The journeys, say the Services, “are often advertised on social networks by facilitators of irregular immigration as a guarantee of greater security for the journey to Europe”.

Undersecretary Mantovano pointed out that the issue represents a “world order” issue, closely linked to the Russian-Ukraine conflict, emphasizing the presence of Wagner, the Russian paramilitary organization, in Cyrenaica, from where departures are increasing.

“Russians prepare for long-term war”

“For the Russians, an operational pause is essential to regenerate and prepare for a long-lasting war. Moscow is trying to exploit this period of relative stagnation to restart the activities of the Russian military-production complex which, while remaining significant in terms of production capacity, is starting to feel the impact of Western sanctions”.
So the annual intelligence report to Parliament presented today. The year, he adds, “also ended with President Putin’s recognition of the difficulties encountered in Donbass in countering the Ukrainian forces, a signal that, linked to the proposed restructuring of the Russian armed forces – with an increase in the total up to 1.5 million soldiers – confirms the intention to continue the conflict until the key objectives sought by Moscow are achieved”.

“More concrete and vital anarchist threat”

“On the internal subversive front, the evidence acquired in 2022, promptly shared with the police forces, has once again qualified the anarcho-insurrectionist threat as the most concrete and vital, characterized by militant components determined to promote, through highly instigatory propaganda, planning of struggle centered on the typical ‘destructive direct action'”. The alarm was sounded by the Annual Report on Information Security Policy, presented today in Rome.
“In the context of a broader and all-encompassing propensity to subvert the entire ‘system’ – explain 007 – anarchist activism, still extremely diversified in terms of objectives and operating methods, has deployed mainly along two thematic lines, relating to the antimilitarism and the fight against ‘repression’, from time to time also connected to the other traditional fronts of opposition to technological progress and environmental harmfulness”.


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