The Holocaust, Memory and Ukraine. Thus a great Mattarella challenges the new deniers

The Holocaust, Memory and Ukraine.  Thus a great Mattarella challenges the new deniers


On the day of commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust, to truly say “never again” one must not be afraid to denounce the new horrors facing the free world. We need to recognize the enemies of freedom and fight them. The outstanding speech of the head of state for the Day of Remembrance

The one delivered yesterday with courage by the President of the Republic is an exceptional one Sergio Mattarellaon the occasion of Remembrance Day. It is an exceptional speech for everything the head of state has said regarding the themes of anti-Semitism (“Never again in a world dominated by violence, oppression, racism, the cult of personality, aggression, war. Never again to a state that tramples freedom and rights. Never again to a society that discriminates, divides, isolates and persecutes. Never again to a culture or an ideology that glorifies racial superiority, intolerance, fanaticism”). But it is also an exceptional speech for what Mattarella said regarding the topics of the war in Ukraine.

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