The happy island of Rai De Luca, protagonist of the new schedules

The happy island of Rai De Luca, protagonist of the new schedules


Vincenzo De Luca, we want you a Rai unified! President do not go to A7! Vincenzo, we also give you Sottovoce di Marzullo. We came to Naples to tell the new Rai schedules and we have found the replacement for Bianca Berlinguer. The taxi driver to take us to Fuorigrotta, to the Rai Auditorium, demanded 30 euros, and we even made a fuss: “Dotto’ is a fixed rate. The meter is at his risk. Do you want to risk it?”. Blessed villains! Chronicle: the president of Rai, Marinella Solditakes the stage, greets the journalists, places an Anglismo, over the top, adds a spoonful of Zeitgeist, and then passes the word to DeLuca. It’s San Gennaro time. The blood melts, the tongue as well. The star De Luca manifests himself: “Rai, I have a complaint. I saw Berlinguer leaving. The thought of not seeing that Neanderthal, that troglodyte, who presented himself as an Afghan goatherd, a Yemeni camel driver, hurts me. I feel bad when I think we will never see that image of elegance again. You only shot this one to Mediaset with Berlinguer!”. The goatherd would be Mauro Corona who now goes around with the Dolce & Gabbana tank top, given by Ps. Berlingueroni. De Luca’s new program is demanded by advertising investors. It is already the indispensable Rai come Alberto Angela. The Rai faithful, having listened to the president, in fact looked like Fantozzi’s colleagues, in the battleship scene: “Bravoooo!”

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