The grip on Airbnb: minimum two nights for stays in the city

The grip on Airbnb: minimum two nights for stays in the city


Stop short-term rentals for less than two nights. The squeeze on Airbnb invoked by Federalberghi – which was asking for a limitation for stays of less than three consecutive days – is ready on the table of the Minister of Tourism, Daniela Santanchè. And last night, her legislative office sent the latest draft of the bill to everyone in the industry. On the other hand, at the Federalberghi assembly in mid-May, the minister had announced a speech for the beginning of June.

The declared objective is to “deal with the risk of oversized tourism compared to the local accommodation potential”, but also to safeguard “the residential nature of the historical centers and prevent their depopulation”. First of all, the Ministry of Tourism will assign a national identification code (Cin) upon request “to each residential property leased for tourism purposes”. But the real stricture provides that “under penalty of nullity, the minimum duration of the lease for tourist purposes cannot be less than two nights” unless the tenants are a “large family unit made up of at least one parent and three children” . Everyone else will have to go to the hotel.


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