The government’s position on the Mes is as clear as it is incomprehensible

The government's position on the Mes is as clear as it is incomprehensible


Giorgia Meloni tells Il Foglio that she would like a completely different bailout fund, with different objectives and functions. But her road is much more tortuous than the one traced by the European Commission

Giorgia Meloni’s position on the Mes is as clear as it is incomprehensible. When asked by the Foglio on the ratification of the new treaty, the prime minister replied that “the ESM was conceived when we were in another world and not even then was it used” and that “if it is to counter financial crises, then it is not only undersized but above all it does not serve the purpose”. The premier added that instead we need to “build a strong banking union” and that “if the Mes turns into a vehicle for growth then we are ready to discuss”, concluding that “these are things that other states that have ratified the Month”. In practice, the government does not like the Mes as it is or its reform. He would like another, completely different one, with radically different objectives and functions: “growth” rather than assistance to countries in crisis. In practice, a sort of duplication of the European Commission.

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