“The gasoline decree doesn’t work like this”, Squeri (FI) tells us

"The gasoline decree doesn't work like this", Squeri (FI) tells us


“The cartel with the average regional prices on plants risks being counterproductive for consumers. The decree must be changed and Forza Italia will propose changes in this sense. Luca Squeri, leader of the forced group in the commission that follows the examination of the provision, has clear ideas on what is wrong with the Transparency decree on which the confrontation between the government and petrol stations has been screwed up for fifteen days. The last meeting between the three trade unions and Minister Adolfo Urso was held yesterday afternoon, four hours after the start of the strike which was finally confirmed. An “appreciated” attempt, say the managers. But while Faib has reduced the lockout to 24 hours, Fegica and Figisc confirm the previous methods because “the changes hypothesized to the decree, in addition to not being sufficient, are now in the hands of Parliament”. It is here that efforts are now concentrated to correct the standard, which beyond the controversy can really be improved “for the benefit of the sector and motorists,” Squeri told al Foglio.

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