The gas station attendants divide the majority: the government wants the cartel with the prices, Lega and Forza Italia don’t

The gas station attendants divide the majority: the government wants the cartel with the prices, Lega and Forza Italia don't


The telenovela on the obligatory sign at fuel stations, introduced a month ago by the government with an emergency decree, has made the front pages of the newspapers but continues in the Chamber. And it is becoming a political case in the majority. The epicenter is the Productive Activities commission of Palazzo Madama where the measure is being examined and must be converted by 15 March. While Forza Italia and Lega have embraced the requests of the petrol station unions – supported across the board by all the players in the supply chain – the government does not want to take any steps back from its positions. On the one hand, it keeps the dialogue open with the operators through the technical table chaired by the Minister of Enterprise Adolfo Urso, which updated itself yesterday. The goal is to define a bill for the complete reorganization of the sector within the next three months. On the other hand, in commission, the government blocked the request to replace the sign with a QR code.

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