The first Tuscan multi-utility is born, from the merger of local service companies

The first Tuscan multi-utility is born, from the merger of local service companies


The first Tuscan multi-utility is officially born, a company of local public services, active in the sectors of the environment, integrated water cycle and energy. On 26 January, at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Florence, in the presence of the mayors of the shareholder municipalities, Nicola Ciolini, Alberto Irace, Marco Baldassarri and Nicola Perini, the representatives of the four companies involved in the deed of merger by incorporation – Alia Servizi Ambientali, Publiservizi, Consiag and Acqua Toscana – signed the deed of merger of the new public services company before the notary Giovanni Cerbioni.

The Tuscan multi-utility does not yet have a name (a process is underway which will be completed within the first half of this year) and aims to consolidate a strategic industrial sector, bridging a strong delay compared to the merger processes already implemented for some time by the regions of northern and central Italy, maintaining all the strategic and decision-making levers on industrial processes and the related economic and social repercussions in this area.

Corporate structure

The new corporate structure is made up of the Municipalities of Florence (37.1%), Prato (18.1%), Pistoia (5.54%) Empoli (3.4%) and other Tuscan Municipalities (35.9%). In the first aggregation nucleus, the new company will hold approximately 40% of the shares of Estra, 58% of Publiacqua, 19% of Acque Spa and 31% of Toscana Energia.

The transaction creates an integrated player in the environment, energy and water cycle sectors, with revenues of approximately 700 million euros, with an Ebidta of 170 million, investments of 170 million a year. An initial capital increase of 1.2 billion is expected within the next few months to allow the entry of other public shareholders, with a potential pool of 3 billion in turnover at the regional level and over 4 billion considering the neighboring regions, with the opening to the stock market in 2024.

industrial synergies

The birth of the multi-utility and the subsequent listing will generate a positive impact for the company, the shareholders, the users and the territories. It will ensure industrial efficiencies and synergies, service efficiency, cost containment, an increase in investment capacity and the size of dividends for the shareholder municipalities, with the consequent increase in direct and indirect employment and the consolidation of local industrial chains.


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