The farewell to Berlusconi was a hymn to anti-moralism. Ideas for justice reform

The farewell to Berlusconi was a hymn to anti-moralism.  Ideas for justice reform


The perfect way to pay homage to the battles of Cav. it is to support every attempt by politics to counter the flooding of the moralistic judiciary and to counter the dictatorship of the pillory. If Minister Nordio’s bill succeeds, not the memory of Cav will enjoy it. but the future of Italy

“Live and not shirk the challenges, the contrasts, the insults, the criticisms, and continue to smile, to challenge, to oppose, to laugh at the insults”. The hero of the funeral of Silvio Berlusconi has a name, a surname and a face. Her name is Mario Delpini. He is the archbishop of Milan. And he is the author of a formidable homily, dedicated to Cav., which is at the same time an essay on life, faith, love, hope, joy and anti-moralism. The anti-moralistic tone with which the archbishop of Milan chose to greet Berlusconi allows us to venture along an important path, which quickly takes us from the universe of the sacred back to the land of the profane.

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