The exaggerated liberalists of sad science who mess around on social media

The exaggerated liberalists of sad science who mess around on social media


Fervent and stubborn chaps a la Michele Boldrin have made two converts and closed them in an American-style sect. But they lack the slightest sense of the relationship between the rule of law, economic legislation and the body of the nation

There is the liberal and there is the exaggerated, exalted liberalist. The first handles culture and has an idea of ​​the world, the second handles it on social media and doesn’t have the slightest idea of ​​what society and history are. My grandfather Mario used to say that liberals must be called crazy, and he was right, as we have seen in Italian history, as seen with Berlusconi in its golden age, as seen with Calenda that if you don’t give yourself injections of mattocchieria and quickly you will end up looking like a professor who takes himself seriously, Calenda seriously, but his grandfather could not have foreseen that he would exaggerate so much and that boorish academics would make it a point of honor to equate individualism and libertarian rules from Reggio Calabria to Frankfurt. The disease of fervent and discouraged guys Michael Boldrinthe California sandal-wearing tiktoker expert in academic nonsense and insults, is pedagogism, the circle of the self-confident, an economistic variant of minority actionism, the acolyte who hates the Italian in them, the notorious enemy of clams.

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