The EU deputy summons 100 mayors from the South to Brussels against Autonomy

The EU deputy summons 100 mayors from the South to Brussels against Autonomy


NoonNovember 8, 2022 – 5:25 pm

Pedicini: “We need to organize a party to stem the boycott of the League’s cohesion policies.” Evening with concert of popular songs of the Brigata Fra ‘Diavolo

from AA

The meeting with the mayors of the South

He summoned a hundred mayors of the South in Brussels to organize a sort of transversal political formation against the autonomy project differentiated supported by the League and now adopted by the center-right government. But above all with the aim of providing political and institutional representation to the South of Italy. This is what is promoted by the MEP of the Greens / Efa Group Piernicola Pedicini.

“The need for representation”

“Alongside a group of courageous mayors and active citizens – said Pedicini, speaking during the press conference at the headquarters of the European Parliament, with a delegation of mayors from the Recovery Sud Network,” chaired by the mayor of Acquaviva delle Fonti Davide Carlucci – . Today we have taken a new and very important step in the battle to defend and relaunch the South of Italy. From Brussels, where about a hundred administrators joined us and activists of the Territorial Equity Movement, coming from every region of the South, we want to make Europe and Italy understand that there is a movement in the South that speaks a single voice. Above all, we want to be interpreters of a need for representation of our citizens, and we will do so by creating a political entity that can involve all the associations in the area. There is a united front that is growing – underlined Pedicini – and we have demonstrated this by bringing home, in recent months, a great result. Thanks to a petition, we have obtained that the European Commission will supervise the fair distribution of funds from the NRP by the Italian government ».

The network of administrators and the party

But now the network of mayors of the South could turn into a real southern political entity: “Today, more than ever – continued the European parliamentarian Greens / Efa – a party of the South is needed, which puts a stop to a strong acceleration towards an increase in the gap between the territories in Italy. Differentiated autonomy and strategic ministries in the hands of the League are the first signs of a project that goes in the diametrically opposite direction to cohesion policies. This is why we are putting together all possible forces to be able to resist and create a united front in defense of our South. The next appointment – announces Pedicini – will be a constituent assembly in December, in Naples, of a party for territorial equity. In February we will have our first challenge, with the regional elections in Molise ».

The concert with Fra ‘Diavolo’s Brigade

The day with the delegations from Southern Italy ended with an evening concert in the Italian Cultural Center, entitled “The South and Europe – Stories, geographies and images for the future, with Pedicini himself and the Brigade Fra ‘Diavolo. «With our lyrics and our“ unpopular ”music we are carrying out a truth operation on a South that the pages of history have never told. And we do it by singing in our dialects, which are a heritage to be safeguarded and relaunched. Like traditions, uses, tastes and typical features, dialects are also a wealth to be safeguarded. Re-launching all this is equivalent to reviving local economies and rediscovering the identity of a Southern Italy that wants redemption and does not intend to let its guard down in his battle to ensure that his rights are recognized and that any gap with the north of the country is nullified ”.

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November 8, 2022 | 17:25



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