The EU Court annulled the Carige commissioner. Here is what it entails

The EU Court annulled the Carige commissioner.  Here is what it entails


With a decision that the experts consulted by the Gazette do not hesitate to define as “unprecedented”, the Court of the European Union annulled the decision of the ECB of 1 January 2019 to commission Banca Carige. Judgment that, from an initial assessment, should not have effects on the sale of the Ligurian bank to the Bper group, but could open the way for compensation for damages in favor of the small shareholder who filed an appeal against the ECB, such Francesca Corneliand represent a legal foothold for the former majority shareholder of Carige, Vittorio Malacalza, who has embarked on a legal battle against his expulsion from the bank and the extraordinary administration.

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