The escape of Artem Uss, between comedy and Mifsud’s precedent

The escape of Artem Uss, between comedy and Mifsud's precedent


We simplify extremely. The son of a Russian governor friend of Putin, wanted in the United States and suspected of being a spy, escapes house arrest in Italy on the eve of his extradition to New York, gets rid of the electronic bracelet that didn’t work like that of the bear Jj4 and reappears in Moscow a few days later while his father thanks some mysterious “foreign friends”, presumably Italian, who helped him escape. Nobody watched. Not even the Secret Service. In short, Artem Uss, wanted for bank fraud, violation of the embargo on Venezuelan oil and suspected by the Americans of “trafficking in dual-use military material” was less controlled than a moped thief. Here is roughly the informal comment from the Italian secret services: “Nobody warned us”.

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