The earthquake of rights | The paper

The earthquake of rights |  The paper


The language of the world, economy society mentality mainstream, is increasingly that of individual rights, of policies to support minorities, and the prevailing sign in the gigantic and radical mutation of customs, from mass behavior to advertising to cultural consumption, is libertarian, even in the synodal church the new trends knock vehemently on the door of a two thousand year old tradition; nevertheless the feeling is that the more or less sovereign and populist Right, more or less nationalist but always hostile to the libertarian ethic of non-negotiable personal rights, are on the offensive everywheretoday in Italy and Greece, perhaps tomorrow in Spain, and who knows if the honest and old Biden will withstand the impact of revanchist Trumpism, with or without Trump, who knows France traumatized by an enlightened presidency but with a political and moral minority, who knows Germany with its semaphore coalition and twenty percent AfD, and so on.

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